Summer Hindi/Urdu Program 2024

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Image credit Hassan Zulfiqarr

South Asian Hindi-Urdu Summer Camp 2024

Dates: July 15-26, 2024


Brief Overview
The South Asian Hindi-Urdu Summer Camp is a ten-day intensive program for high school students and first-year university and college students. Students will learn the script and basic conversational skills in Hindi and Urdu languages and will also engage with the diverse and vibrant cultures of South Asia. 


Our comprehensive language instruction will focus on developing students' speaking, listening, and writing skills. Students will select either Hindi or Urdu as their primary mode for language instruction. The goal is for students to complete this program knowing the alphabet, understanding basic grammatical concepts, and being able to employ simple conversational skills.

This program is designed to be a starting point and a stepping-stone for students to develop and continue their interest in South Asian languages.


Who is Eligible?
This program is designed to be free of cost for all students enrolled in high school, and first-year undergraduate students with an interest in South Asian languages and culture. Previous language experience will not be considered as a factor for admission to the program. 


How to Apply
Access the application form here, or by scanning the QR code below:  

QR code

Instructors: Rabitha Ahmed and Sofia Fix

Program CoordinatorsMeraj Ahmed ([email protected]), Director of the Hindi and Urdu Program in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; Nida Sajid ([email protected]), Assistant Professor in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.  


Contact Information

Have any more questions about our program? Feel free to email Dr. Ahmed at [email protected].

man writing on a wall
mango fruit sellers in a market
Image credit Shafaque Ahmad